Beckervordersandforth Lab
Astrocyte Diversity and Dynamics

Nick won the poster price in Bordeaux, Eurogenesis Meeting 2024. Well done!

Congratulations to Julian for having his paper accepted in Nature Neuroscience! doi: 10.1038/s41593-022-01192-5
Congrats to Ruth for habilitating!

Congratulations to Nick and Eva for publishing a review in Mol Psych.
Ruth received a DFG Heisenberg grant. Thanks, lab!

Congrats to Anne Peter for earning the Fritz und Maria Hoffmann-Preis for the best Masterthesis of Molecular Medecine for her work analyzing the effects of NSC specific Sox9 KO on neuro/glial-genesis

Ruth and Felix will present on the EMBO Workshop “Neural stem cells: From basic understanding to translational applications”
Congratulation to Julia for submitting her thesis AND having her paper accepted in EMBO Journal!

Congratulation to Christian for defending his thesis with summa cum laude! Well done!